Person’s Story

I wanted to have a song made for my husband. Here’s some background on our meeting and what it’s been like during our relationship. I was a young Mom of two little ones, going through a bad breakup and just done with dating in general. Honestly I didn’t know if I’d ever try again at that point. I had moved to Kansas City, Missouri prior to meeting him and just moved back to my hometown of Pittsburg, Kansas a college town to sort out my next steps. I was in the process of looking for a new job and place to stay around the Kansas City area when I went out to dinner with a friend of mine. It was our girls night away from kids and catch up time. We sat in the back and chatted. I could feel someone looking and My husband Jeff was at a table across the room. We made eye contact a few times and I said to my friend “ Thar guy keeps staring at me”. After awhile I went to the bathroom and when I came back and his co-worker was chatting with my friend. We conversed and he came over to the table. We talked for hours about kids, liked heartache, religion. It was as if I’d known him my whole life. We had so much in common and endured so many of the same things in life. We exchanged social media accounts and numbers but I told him I just want to be friends as I had been through so much and he respected that. After about 8 months of me getting my life together and him doing his own thing we still talked on occasion but I didn’t think it would go anywhere. I happened to be visiting Kansas City applying for jobs and apartments and he texted. I called him and told him my friend and I were going out that night. He was so sick and said he couldn’t come. I didn’t think much of it but later he called back and said I want to go I’m fine. We was still not feeling well I could tell but he insisted on going. We went to dinner and then out dancing. Later we realized I was moving a few block from his home. We picked up right where we left off the night 8 months prior like no time has passed. We have been a couple ever since then. He is the most amazing person, father, husband and best friend I could ask for. We have blended our families together. We have 3 kids 2 are mine, 1 is his but unless you know us you’d think they are ours because since the day he met them and I met his daughter its been a unit of 5. He loves me and our family unconditionally. We both had been broken, similar situations with our exes and understood the vulnerability it takes to make a relationship work. There’s been some bad times but we always stick together. He’s helped me get my Masters degree. He’s the most patient man I know.I’ve been sick for a long time and unable to figure out why. He’s taken me to every appointment, gone into multiple surgeries, helped me when I can’t do things around the house. I started to decline late 2018 and it just got worse. We found out I have Lyme disease and that he and the younger two kids do too. He researches treatment, buys medications, does everything he can to see we all get better. I can truly say I probably wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t my husband. He’s loving and forgiving. He makes me feel special and loved. Even when I think I can’t keep going he encourages me in every way. I wanted to have a song written for him so he knows just how important and special he is to our family. He puts us first before himself and he’s a rare gem in this world. I’m lucky to have him as my husband.


I Won't Forget You


Sunshine On My Heart