Person’s Story

I have copd and was recently put on hospice. I want my daughter to never forget our special times together. Special it was! Many of my favorite times with her was spent camping. I love my one on one with her. We would sit under the stars doing many fun things. We loved candy bar bingo and camping paint nights. I will never forget the glow on her skin from the campfire making smores. These nights is what I lived for. I can't imagine what it will be like for her when I'm gone! So all I want before I leave is to leave her something beautiful. She deserves to have something to remind her anytime she needs it I am always there. Daddy will always love you baby girl! I will always be watching over you. Anytime you need me look at the stars and you will find me! I want to close with this. Hold your love ones tight and tell you how much you love them. Never go to bed angry. Last but not least never be afraid to help those in need! Much love family.


There For You


If It's Meant To Be