Person’s Story

I would like an upbeat dancing song about my grandson. He is my youngest son’s first child and since the day he was born he and I have had a very special bond. He is 10 years old. He calls me Nanny. When he was a baby we had a “date night” every Tuesday. He brightens my life with his smile, hugs and kisses. When I lost my husband and mom I also was suffering from major injuries due to a fall at work and he would come to see me and sing to me to make me feel better. He loved going to camp with my husband and I and take the boat to boat beach where there were a lot of boats with music playing and we would swim and float around on tubes. He always made friends with people at the boat beach. His love shines through everywhere he goes. He has sleepovers at my house every week. He is a very talented artist. His sketches and drawings are amazing. He loves to paint, sketch and build with cardboard. We love making blanket forts in my living room. He can build anything out of legos and is a wiz at puzzles. When he sleeps at my house he makes up his own songs and sings me to sleep. My dog is his best friend. She can be a nutcase but he brings out the gentle side of my dog. It’s like his love has magical powers. When my mom, his Great Grandma was in a nursing home, we would visit her often and he would go to occupational therapy with her and help her. He has a stuffed turtle pillow that he got as a birthday gift from his uncle when he was one year old. He carries that turtle everywhere. He loves to sing in the car with me. Now his favorite singer is Sawyer Auger. He loves watching Sawyer on my TV. His favorite song of yours is Livin. He loves upbeat songs. He laughs at me when I dance but loves to watch me dance. He likes watching Five Nights at Freddys on Youtube and likes to make his own character costumes and characters from the show. He can take cardboard and felt and make a character. He’s a little fish in water and loves to swim. We go to the NYS Museum a lot and he always finds something interesting at every visit. He keeps a journal of what we learn at the museum. We paint rocks for my garden. He recently drew a yellow butterfly for me that I am going to have as a tattoo soon. He was diagnosed a year ago with Chron’s Disease which is an intestinal disease with no cure. He goes to hospital every 8 weeks for three hour infusions. He always tries to cheer up other kids at the hospital. He is the most loving, amazing child. He always says “I love you with all my heart and more forever and ever always.” If you could put this line in my song I would love that.


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