The Making Of Kansas City

Person’s Story

My Fiance and I first met on a dating website called Plenty Of Fish. I was actually against creating a dating profile orginally but one of my friends kept pushing me to give it a chance so I finally caved. I am so thankful I did! I had gotten out of a toxic relationship about a year prior and it took me a long time to be ready to date again. The thought of finding someone I actually cared about really scared me so I had my defense up but it stood no chance once I met Him. He was everything I had been searching for since I was a little girl dreaming about the man I would spend forever with. He was kind, he was fun, he was creative. It felt as if I had known him forever. He is a photographer and one of my very favorite things to do when we first started dating (and even still, to this day!) is to watch him in his element; being creative and taking photos. It is amazing to sit back and watch him turn his visions into reality. He is so talented and makes his art look effortless. His passion was one of the very first things I fell in love with!One of our very first dates was to a Kansas City Royals baseball game. We learned quickly that we both share a deep love of our hometown of Kansas City so we love all things KC - especially the Royals and the Chiefs! My favorite date he ever took me on was to a place called "The Scout" - it is a spot downtown that overlooks the beautiful city skyline. I've lived in Kansas City my entire life but I had never been to this location before. It was absolutely beautiful! The city seemed even more breathtaking with him right next to me. It seemed like we were the only two people in the whole city. We actually still frequent The Scout for picnics and now that we have our daughter, we love sharing the view with her! I knew from first conversation online that he was different from the rest. He is creative, artsy and fun. He is passionate and caring. The more I got to know about him, the more I loved. I felt like I could finally be myself. I didn't have to be guarded anymore - I could finally just be me. As the days and weeks passed after our first date, we quickly became inseparable. We did everything together and became best friends. The more time I spent with him, the more I knew this would be the man I would spend the rest of my life with. Family has always been so important to both of us and about a year into our relationship we knew we wanted to make a family of our own. I had never been so sure of anything in my life! After a few disappointing months of trying, we learned I was pregnant on May 30th, 2017. The day we found out, there was a beautiful rainbow in the sky. It was like the universe was congratulating us on our biggest adventure yet! Our world completely changed that day as we prepared ourselves, our lives and our household for our new addition! He swore we were going to have a boy, but my Mama instincts knew it was a girl! When we went to our sonogram appointment, He looked at the screen and yelled "Its a boy! I knew it!". The nurse giggled and explained that what he was looking at was actually the umbilical cord and that we were actually having a girl! I looked over at him expecting a little disappointment on his face but instead I saw his eyes light up as he beamed with pride. He was thrilled to be a "girl-Dad"!! I watched him fall in love with our daughter that day and it has been the most beautiful adventure of our lives ever since. Our baby girl was born on January 16th, 2018 after 16 hours of natural labor that I honestly couldn't have gotten through if it hadn't been for my fiance by my side. He kept me calm. He kept me going! In that moment I knew that I could do absolutely anything in life with him next to me. Watching him become such a wonderful father has been the highlight of my life. There is something so magical about watching the love of your life instantly transform into such an amazing parent. Knowing that our daughter has a great Dad that will never let her down is everything I could have ever asked for. Becoming a family is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. It has brought us closer and it has made us stronger. Through the ups and downs of life and of parenthood, we have gotten through every obstacle by turning to each other and continuing to laugh through the chaos. On our wedding day I will vow to continue to laugh and grow with him for the rest of our lives. Although we did things a little out of order for most couples, we always knew we wanted to get married. On July 27 2019, we had taken a trip to the lake with my family. I was starting to make dinner in the kitchen when he got down on one knee in front of my family and asked me to be his forever. Even though we had often talked about it, it still felt like a dream to me. Was I really going to get to spend forever with this man?! I later learned that he had called both my parents and my brothers ahead of time to ask them all for their blessing before he got down on one knee. To this day, I'm not sure he knows exactly how much that means to me. Our wedding is now 4 months away and I am dreaming of the day I get to see him at the other end of the aisle as we begin our newest adventure as husband and wife. Through all the craziness this year has thrown our way - we've stayed strong and we continue to keep the faith that our big day will be everything we have ever had ever dreamed it to be. I couldn't imagine doing life with anyone else. Together we make the very best team and I am so blessed to be spending forever with the man I've always dreamed of! It is my hope that this song reminds him of where we came from and how much we have grown together. It is my hope to show him how proud I am of the man, father, fiance and friend he is and a creative way to thank him for all he does for his family.  


Daddy's Little Girl


Sara Smiled