The Making of “Daddy’s Little Girl”

Person’s Story

I have a 1 year old daughter. Her dad passed away 3 months before she was born. I’d like a song written for her about her daddy and how much he loved her. He was 43 when he found out he was going to be a dad for the first time. He was ecstatic, over the moon excited. The first thing he had to do when we left the doctors office for the first time was go to his dads house and tell him the news. Then he had to tell EVERY single person in his contact list. He served his county in the Navy for 6 years on the USS Belleua Wood. After his time in the Navy he went on to serve his country working for the Newport News Shipbuilding. He was also a recovering alcoholic, and was a well known member in AA (Alcoholics Anonymous). He thrived in helping others achieve what he had by working the program, and the 12 steps, even starting his own AA group, the Lifeboat Group. He was the life of everything he did, throwing parties, having large gatherings. He was well known and well loved through out this community. He had an abundance of friends that he talked to regularly. He loved music, and loved playing his guitar, Taylor guitar to be exact. He was a Star Trek junkie, and loved playing poker on Friday nights with his friends. He loved to watch football (Pittsburgh Steelers). He lived a full life, but nothing made him happier then knowing he was going to be a father. Those last few months of his life, when I was pregnant, was the happiest time in his life. He had finally got the one thing he had wanted most in his life, a child of his own and to start his own little family, along with his pride and joy, Sam (his fur daughter). He went to every doctor appointment I had, and didn’t miss a beat. I remember he cried the first time we had seen an ultrasound and he got to hear her little heart beating for the first time. She has her daddy’s beautiful blue eyes, and his sparkling personality, she loves everyone. I try to keep Him in everything I do (hence a song lol). She knows her daddy’s photo, she can pick him out and say dada. And she knows his voice from videos saved on my phone. She is also a music junkie, always wanting to watch Little Baby Bum (music videos with nursery rhymes.) She is a daddy’s girl, and always will be, there is no one on this earth he loved more then that little girl, and sadly he didn’t live long enough to meet the person that fulfilled his life so much in those few short months that he found out she was coming.




Kansas City