Person’s Story

The Backstory of “Hey, Beautiful!” is one of Military life and Long Distance Relationship. I met my husband online almost a 14 yrs ago! He was a an active duty soldier stationed out of Fort Campbell Kentucky.  I Lived in Wisconsin! I took a chance driving 9 hours south to Kentucky to meet him!  I remember arriving and was drinkin coronas to kill the nerves haha! I was so nervous too!! We Continued our relationship for a short 3 months! Traveling back and forth! Before we said I DO! Yes 3 months! Sounds crazy! Right?  But at that time in the military wartime was going strong. And sometimes in the military in order to be together, travel together in the active marry quickly before the next war rotation begins, or the next set of orders fall! We Married in a little chapel right next to to the courthouse in A small town in Kentucky. Where alot of military couples would go to get married...I remember my simple cream colored dress! And my husband dressed in his Army Dress uniform!  We were young,

The ceremony was simple and quick! But it was over the moon exciting! Best day of my life! I remember that year my husband had left on his 2nd combat tour...he called from Iraq and told me were headed to Germany next♥️ I was nervous and excited! At that time we really wanted to start a family!! But it was something that never came easy for us! We prayed and prayed! Flash Forward...

 We were about to leave Germany in literally days to move to our next duty station back stateside! And I found out we were expecting our little boy!! We were so excited to be parents!! But when it was time to deliver deployment was already in play, again! They allowed him to stay to see our son born. But he had to leave for Afghanistan 4 days following.  Our story was truly one of love speaking and us just listening♥️Jumping in head first! and taking a chance. Our entire marriage has been the military always watching him walk away to train, train and train some more! Only to deploy in a constant rotation.  Your heart breaks when they walk away! Everytime! 

But everytime they return its like the very first time you met!  I always remember making the house just right for his homecomings! Decorating! Making sure everything was on point! 

 With each passing day, each passing year! My husband has called me beautiful always!  for the past 13 1/2 years no matter where in the world he was even how much I change, how much older I get...He always calls me beautiful! Love grows in times of sacrifice without a doubt!  And sometimes taking chances can be the best move in your life!  Thank you Sawyer! Beautifully done!


Sara Smiled


You're My Hero