Person’s Story

This is for my husband and I. We met 12 years ago after we had both been divorced and it terrible rebound relationships and we have built a great life together. I'm not sure what to tell you about him other than he is a great person Strong, smart, and willing to help anyone. He is a great father and my best friend. When my mom was sick a few years ago and I had to care for her at her home, he was my rock. He took care of everything on our end so that I could stay with her in her last days. He loves hunting, fishing, working on his truck (which is a 1995 Toyota Tacoma which he refuses to get rid of even though he has a new Chevrolet ), and Tim McGraw. We love to spend our time at the Chesapeake Bay in Mathews, VA fishing and kayaking and hope to move there when we retire.


Snow White


Say I Do Too