Person’s Story

This song will be for my husband and I'll be gifting it to him for our 10 year dating anniversary, 2 year wedding anniversary. We met while playing Xbox, and lived in New Jersey and I lived in Washington state. He was there for me while I was going through a difficult divorce and once all was said and done, he invited me for a vacation. We spent 9 AMAZING days together- we flew into New York City on a private helicopter (he worked at a private airport) and we played tourists for two days, went to Rockefeller, did the whole tour of The Statue of Liberty, he taught me how to ski later in the week and then we met his friends in Killington, Vermont to ski for the weekend. I met his Mom and we just had a blast! It was truly the best 9 days of my life. That was February 22nd, 2011. In June, he came out to Washington to visit for the first time. We spent a day in Seattle with my boys and then we headed to the coast and I gave him the Hwy 101 tour and showed him all of my favorite places. We stayed in the Twilight cabin (we both had geek's out about the movies previously). That October he moved to Washington. Three years later he proposed at one of the beaches i first took him to, on top of the Hole in the Wall, on Rialto Beach. I ended up calling off the wedding and we had some really hard times for a few years, on and off (but mostly on). We had some major trust and other women issues and two years ago I called it off for good; it was the hardest thing I've ever done as I felt we were truly soul mates but we just couldn't get past the issues. We took a 6 week break, not one conversation or text, absolute silence. I knew I needed time to heal my heart and dug deep into self care. I came across a prayer about forgiveness and broke down - I knew then, forgiveness was my issue. As much as I had tried to forgive his previous wrong doings, I hadn't. I said that prayer every day, multiple times a day. One day I woke up, got ready and showed up at his place. I had no idea what I was doing or why I was doing it, all I knew was I NEEDED to see him and be with him. We cried for hours. We ended up spending the next few days inseparable, pouring our hearts out, forgiving and planning for a new future. It was a lot, in a little bit of time but we figured it out. We had the hard conversations and settled the past, ready to move on. We decided then to start planning our wedding, decided to start trying to have our own child and became pregnant within a couple of months. We were over the moon! Unfortunately I had complications and the pregnancy ended at 14 weeks, we were devastated! We married the evening of February 23rd, 2019 on a private balcony on the Stratosphere in Las Vegas with a handful of our closest friends and its been pure bliss! I've never been happier. He is truly the love of my life - we've been through it all and conquered so much together. I look forward to rest of forever with him right by my side! Some things about us- we're adventurers, we love to travel and share the world with each other. We've been to many countries/places together so far and have so many more on the list. We love hiking, gaming and spending quality time with friends and family. One thing I know true to my heart- I don't want to live this life without him. I know I've shared a lot but you asked for details! I look forward to hearing what you create for us! We both love country music and if you see fit, I'd LOVE for us to have our very own country song but I trust wherever your heart takes you with our story.

