Person’s Story

This person wanted a song to use for her company to get her workers pumped up!

So, I know this song is a bit of a tall order…lol!  If you recall…Make it Move by Jonny Lang is the song I’ve really been listening to A LOT…and I listen to it before many of my parties and times I go live for trainings to team members, etc.  It also impacted my decision on the logo for my Team.  And I’d like to add the vibe of 2 other songs to that (sorry, I’m complicated…LOL)…Broken Glass by Rachel Platten, and the vibe from that song Colors by Black Pumas (the link that I sent you today in messenger…I cannot get that tune, and the way it makes me want to move in my seat, out of my head)!


The word HOPE has such a history for me.  As this song is about motivation and, while I don’t want this to be about our first daughter that Jamie and I lost, I know you like details for songs… After Rosanna (Zanna) died back in 2015, shortly after, in 2016, I worked with the hospital to begin a pregnancy/infant loss support group.  I will spare you all those details, but it was a labor of love that I poured myself into.  There was no support group, even though I had been given a flyer that said there was one.  I showed up and no one was there.  I went back the next month like the flyer said, again no one was there.  So I took it upon myself to contact the hospital administration, give them an earful and then not only give them an earful, but make suggestions on how to fix the issue.  They asked me if I wanted to help make it happen and I said yes.  I worked my ass off to get some hospital staff, some outside professionals and other bereaved parents to be on the board to create a program and support group that would not fade (it’s still going strong today at the hospital in Vermont where we made that happen…even though I have been gone since 2008 and had to leave it behind and turn it over to someone else).  Why do I say this…2 reasons!


We named the group Share HOPE Vermont (Share is the National Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness organization that we partnered with to have our support group facilitators trained by and who our group was umbrellaed under)…HOPE for “Helping Other Parents Endure”…and we were the first Share support group in the State of Vermont.Because I didn’t just complain about what was wrong while wallowing in my grief over the loss of my daughter.  I decided to let people know of my anger and disappointment in what was said was there for me as support, and when it wasn’t, I didn’t just complain and voice my anger, I offered solutions/options, and I then accepted the challenge to create something new that would endure the test of time and not fail as other support groups in the past had done.


I moved to Virginia…and then promptly created a new support group that I fully ran myself from 2008 through just this spring, 2020 when I finally decided to let it go.  It was simply called the H.O.P.E. Support Group and was funded and umbrellaed by my Zanna’s HOPE Bereavement & Birth Services, LLC (I’m sure you are seeing the theme/trend here with the word HOPE and what it means to me…or rather, the various meanings it can and does have).


SO, now, that back story aside, back to HOPE and this song and what I need it to mean and represent…


I know you usually write the song and name it, etc.  I’m wondering if we can name it Hope Can Move Mountains?  I’ll be writing a bunch of stuff that I’ve made notes on (I write random shit on pieces of paper when I write poetry or have ideas for wording for posts, letters to people, or poems I like to write).  I want to be clear…I’d love you to use any and all of my writing below in some way, shape or form…but I KNOW, this song is yours!!!  You are writing it, you are creating all the music, and I do not want anything to do with the rights to it at all.  I just want to be able to listen to it always, and be able to use it whenever I want to do things with it for my team 😊  That being said (I’m just going to apologize now for how all over the place this is all going to seem when you read it…again, typing it from notes from all over the place…LOL)….


So, hope…people usually think of it like a wish…it’s not a wish…it’s also not faith.  Faith is confidence or trust in someone, something or a belief not based on proof.  While a wish and hope both express a desire for something different than how it is right now…a wish often expresses a desire for something often “impossible” or unlikely to happen.  Whereas, hope is a desire for something that IS possible or that can/will likely happen.


A wish is just that…a wish for something knowing you aren’t working or taking action to make it happen…you are just “wishing” it will happen.


HOPE however…is acknowledging the fact that it can happen, if you take action to make it so!  You have a desire strong enough to hope and WILL it to be…but you know that mountain isn’t gonna move unless YOU make it move…you have to put HOPE into action to break those glass ceilings. 



People have faith in me

In the things I cannot see

I wish for the things I dare to dream

But is that face in the mirror really me


The ground is comfortable, where I am

But the magic happens

When hope becomes a plan


Here I go

I’m moving that mountain

Climbing to the top

Touch the ceiling with my hand

Let the glass shatter and drop



When you wish for something different, you’ve already given up

Knowing you won’t be takin’ the steps needed to get to the top


Faith is knowing something you cannot see

But HOPE is knowing the action needed to make it be


Move those mountains

crash the glass to the ground

What’s the BEST that can happen

When you flip your mindset around

Don’t waste your whole life wishing

Waiting for those mountains to move

Put Hope into action

And make those mountains move


You are who you are, and there’s only one of you

Don’t be a carbon copy

Cuz that’s not gonna get you through



Don’t be anyone but you, be authentically you


Are you gonna wish and give up,

Or Hope and get moving

Those mountains are waiting on you

Hope and work is gonna get you through


OKAY, so those are my notes…those are the 3 songs (well, 2 songs I usually listen to to pump me up and give me confidence in what I’m working toward, no matter what it is…and then just the new 3rd song because I dig its vibe…LOL).  Use what you can and will, add or take away what you want!


My Santuario


So Many Memories