Person’s Story

I was hoping this song could be called “a love like theirs” and the main line on the song be “I hope We have a love like theirs...” It starts out with two young kids, one came from a farm Minnesota, the other from Carolina...they met in the Air Force when they were both over seas... Later they would settle down into a little brick home with a vegetable garden out back Don’t need much so long as we’re not alone... Got a piece of land in the South Built a home themselves and when times were hard they toughed it out... They had four kids in that sweet little brick house on forsythia lane Spent the summers canning beans and kissing skinned knees And when the kids were grown they did it all again Loving great-grandchildren with a love that had no end Still together solid as a rock, they keep the family together like a shepherd to a flock... You took me to meet them when I had only known you a week - but right away I dreamed we’d have a love like theirs...a simple life that mattered in all the right ways.. I think we have a love like theirs...almost twenty years and we still care...the little things add up each a life of love in every way... Yes I think we have a love like theirs...I hope we have a love like theirs...


This Is Love

